Associations Liability Insurance

If you are an elected representative of a community, sporting or governing body, you and the organisation can be at risk of a claim being made against you.

Associations Liability Insurance


This policy provides protection for the organisation and the individuals, including, governors, elected representatives and committee members, and can protect these individuals from claims brought against them which arise from carrying out their duties.

Associations face risks of allegations for breach of duty, defamation, and wrongful advice.

Coverage benefits

Protection for the organisation and the individuals

Including, governors, elected representatives and committee members. Can include cover for Professional breaches and Quasi Judicial investigations. Cover for outside positions held at the request of the entity.


Singapore domiciled risks

Target Segments

Community Sporting Clubs

Industry Representative Associations

Not For Profit Community Associations


Max Capacity $10,000,000 in the aggregate

Want to know more?

We’d love to hear from you. Get in touch with us to learn more about Associations Liability Insurance.